Text File download 

Download sample text file in different file sizes for free.

What is a TXT File?

Txt file stands for Text File. Text file download contains plain text in the .txt file. Text file is the most used files. Text file download may be used in testing the uploading and downloading the text files.

How text file can be downloaded?

Text file can be downloaded by simply clicking on the Download button. Freetestdata offers text files in various formats. You can download text file according to your needs and requirements.

Why Text file download are so popular?

Text file are widely used and popular because of their compatibility with different software and platforms. Text file downloaded can be opened and viewed by any word processing software. Text file download can be opened with almost all browsers and operating systems.

Is there any security risk in using text file download?

No, Download text file from our site have no threat or any security issue. Text file download only contains the dummy plain text.